Small Business Ideas with Small Capital of P20,000.00 and Below

Starting small is considered to be the most logical and a powerful step in starting up a business. This is recommended most especially for individuals who lacks enough capital and for those who were not born with entrepreneurial genes. Engaging in a small start-up venture is just fair enough for a newbie (like you) in the industry of your choice. This is like developing a particular skill, the more you practice, the better you become until you perfect it. You gain increased confidence through time and eventually become an expert with what you do. Below are suggested list of small business ideas to help you run around the enterprise world with just a minimum capital of P20,000.00 or less for a start.

Eatery/Small Restaurant/Carinderia

It is always said that the best way to anybody’s heart is through their stomach and that you will never go wrong with food. Admittedly, human beings love to eat and this is one business venture where target market is not a problem. Captive market such as passengers and even drivers in a nearby terminal for a start is one interesting set-up site. With tables and chairs in your stall of different viands for breakfast, lunch and dinner, surely you will enjoy serving the crowd around.   From here you will never know where this simple eatery will take you.

Meat Processing Retailing Business

Small business ideas philippinesIf you have the skills in making longanisa, beef tapa, smoked ham, embutido, meatloaf, corned beef, tocino, hotdog and the likes, then a lucrative business opportunity is on your way. Come to think of it almost all households have spare freezer space and converting this space into an earning one is just a brilliant idea. All you need is just your choice of meat and the needed spices and you are ready to roll it around. The best part is that you can sell this variety of processed meats almost anywhere: various government agencies, private offices, sari-sari stores, schools and residential houses. Remember, that these processed meats are simple and easy to cook and would be very fitting to busy moms and even dads out there. Definitely, they are more than happy to be bringing this home to the dinner table. This will eventually become a household favorite if kids will love it. What you need is just word of mouth advertising and production will surely increase every week.

Street Food Business

This is what you basically see on the sides of the street at around 4:00 pm and onwards not only in the metro but even in the provinces.  This is usually up until midnight as long as you still offer the tasty grilled stuffs such as pork barbecue, chicken barbecue, the common ‘isaw’ or grilled intestines, pig ears, pork  blood and the likes.  To offer variety and reach a wider market, one can have fish balls, kikiams, squid balls, chicken balls, even hotdogs, cheese sticks and ‘kwek-kwek’ or the shelled boiled eggs both for the younger and older market alike. Different kinds of drinks or beverages can also be made available to complete the meal. A simple stall to keep all of these choices in one setting is all you need to provide this quick and complete meal to one busy bee or to just anybody who will stop over to fill up his or her stomach. Bear in mind that one quick bite is a big thing to one hungry man.

Personalized T-Shirt Design and Printing

In the hierarchy of needs, clothing is identified as part of the basic needs along with food and shelter.  So, engaging in the field of t-shirt printing is also one necessary venture to look into.  This does not also entail a very big investment as simple devices are just what you need (silk screens and paints are the basics). If you are the creative one who makes unique design, you can market this to schools, public and private organizations when a shirt is needed for their special events. Certainly, people or even the institution will patronize you (I’m sure).  In addition, if your quality is of the highest standard, word will just get around and orders will just pile up.

Cellphone Loading Business

In this digital age where being wired to each other is of utmost importance, the need to keep in touch cannot be denied.  This is where the business of network loading becomes very essential (and profitable at the same time).  No doubt that there will always be a regular customer even in your own household.  The challenge is your consistency in terms of load availability and how you deal with load now pay later scheme of customers.  But, anyhow, with persistence and diligence, surely you and your business will grow. Check out the e-loading business where you can offer loads to all available telecom networks. Some can even include prepaid game cards as interesting add-ons.

It Does Not End In an Idea!

The lists above are just start-up ideas. There are still other specific industries that you may look into but these five are the easy, simple and uncomplicated ones. Take note that the meat of the matter is still the businessMAN itself. Focus, hard work and determination are still the essential ingredients if the business will prosper or fail. The challenge is to make the right choices and do things effectively and efficiently. Most of all learn the tricks of the trade, accept downfalls and rise up to be better.

61 responses to “Small Business Ideas with Small Capital of P20,000.00 and Below”

  1. Neil Dennis Egar says:



    Looking for small business to start

  3. Jeanne Fe says:

    I’m interested to franchise any food cart for atleast 20,000.00… Can you help me? Thanks!

  4. Ginalyn says:

    I’m interested in meat processing and eatery, would help help start this kind of business.

  5. arnel says:

    bayad center b pwd 20k? to start?

  6. Emerson says:

    Pls. Help..Im looking a business or franchise that starts @ 20,000 cp# 09263464688..

  7. arlene says:

    hi im interested to avail loading business. how can i apply?

  8. CLARK S. PAMA says:


  9. Mylene Endam says:

    I”m enterested too.For atleast 20,000.00 capital,please help me.God bless

  10. Geraldine t vellesco says:

    Interested to franchise food cart .please can you recommend..

  11. glen fernande says:


  12. Mericar obrador says:

    Am interested can u send more details

  13. Cristina Peralta says:

    Hi sir I’m willing to start also business with a capital of 20000 .Can u help me. Thank you. I’m planning for the meat purchasing retail

  14. Raldreyn caye Bacunawa says:

    hi im interested to avail the 20k capital below. help me please

  15. Vien says:

    For foodcart franchise give me a call 09959444988 for details..

  16. Jocelyn Marfil says:

    Hi I am interested on Shake, Fries and Fried Chicken franchise food cart not 20k budget. thanks

  17. Joy S. Castro says:

    Hi,looking for a food business with a capital of 20-25 thousand pesos. Thank you.

  18. Armie says:

    Hi, i want to put up loading station business but i know how to start and how can i sell diferrent network like smart, globe and other network in one station or store

  19. Joy S. Castro says:

    Good day. I’m looking for a franchise of small business with at least 20k capital. You can reach me thru emaIl. Thank you.

  20. Joy S. Castro says:

    Good day. I’m looking for a franchise of small food business with at least 20k capital. You can reach me thru emaIl. Thank you.

  21. Joy S. Castro says:

    Good day. I’m interested to franchise a small food cart business with at least 20k capital. You can reach me thru emaIl. Thank you.

  22. Ronnie says:

    Hi im interested too. Please pm me how to.

  23. prince says:


  24. Dearly Mijares says:

    Hi. . i have DIY dresses for children up to two to three years old, they are very cheap. with your 2k you can purchase 50 different dresses. just call me 09202522271

  25. amie says:

    Can’t u help me for make eatring restaurants . how. This my #
    Email messager amie siton…

  26. Porcia says:

    Im interested too 20k capital my email
    Please send tge details..

  27. aileen says:

    I’m looking for a franchise business with at least 20k capital

  28. Cora says:


    I am looking to franchise a travel agency.Is the franchise fee / capital high? Or can you suggest any franchise to put up which is not that expensive? Please help.

  29. Micah says:

    Hi can u help me how to start business to 20k budget..

  30. Michael says:

    Hi there,im currently looking for a foodcart business if you have this kind of stuff kindly email me i can pay you top money

  31. Ading says:

    crispy and juicy fried hito who wants to start carenderia or restaurant business? great ROI in 4months, lifetime business. 09273577543

  32. Asteria Pajarilla says:

    I like that small carinderia. In Batangas Philippines. Is there a place you can reccomend?

  33. Rachel g. Gitana says:

    Hi looking for small rice franchise 20k budget.txt me 09354656445..tnx in advance

  34. Honey Ph says:

    Hi. Maybe someone is interested. I’m a honey supplier. We are directed po mismo sa Farm. So I guarantee the freshness and legit Honey Bee. At least 6,700 pesos. No expiration. We do rebranding also. Text me 09662533686 email

  35. Jonny Gonzales says:

    If you have an internet connection at home, piso wifi machine is also a good source of passive income. Or if you’re someone who is into tech stuff, building and selling piso wifi machines is even better. I’m a builder myself. Check out Adopisoft they have the most stable software and have complete guides/tutorials.

  36. Jonny Gonzales says:

    If you have an internet connection at home, piso wifi machine is also a good source of passive income. Or if you’re someone who is into tech stuff, building and selling piso wifi machines is even better. I’m a builder myself. Check out they have the most stable software and have complete guides/tutorials.

  37. Aleso says:

    Hi po, i’m intersted for the piso wifi machine po

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