How to Franchise: Generika Drugstore

Medicines are vital to life.  This helps people regain strength and improve their way of life.  Thus, if you engage in the business of medicines, be it selling, promoting or manufacturing, you literally help save lives of many people from all ages and from all walks of life – from the newly born individuals to the old age folks.  Consequently, this is such a noble kind of business as you bring hope and optimism in their lives.  This is what the founders of Generika drugstore had in mind when they decided to venture into selling medicine.  They aim to provide quality and affordable medicines with very good handling practice (as almost all branches are air conditioned to ensure quality and safety) to the people in their target community.

Company History

It was in September 2003 that Erikagen, Inc. the mother company of Generika Drugstore was established as a result of a cheaper alternative to the rising prices of medicines in the country. The company wanted to promote the use of generic drugs, thus the name Generika Drugstore. This is through its founders Mr. Teodoro Ferrer and Mr. Julien Bello. In 2004, the first Generika outlet was opened in Muntinlupa City. Because of the successful acceptance in the market, it did not only stick into selling generic medicines but also opened it s doors in offering selected branded medicines, medical supplies, galenicals and other consumer goods. It was in 2008 that the company expanded and ventured into the franchising concept where it reaped a lot of awards and accolades after its launched. Currently, the company is growing and to date it has a total of more than 360 stores nationwide. Trully, a Generika Drugstore franchise is appealing.

Franchise Package, Franchise Fee and More

Generika Franchise PhilippinesThe total investment cost in investing in a Generika Drugstore Franchise will cost around P800,000.00 to P1.5 Million pesos. This is divided into two component namely the franchise package which is P345,000.00 to P605,000.00 and its content that is dependent according to the type of drugstore the franchisee chose. It can be regular or a small town or a drugstore conversion. This franchise package includes the following:

  • The franchise fee – P50,000.00 to P150,000.00
  • OS licenses with two (2) or three (3) computer hardware
  • the proprietary POS system of Generika, considered as its retail expert that helps you manage your operations: sales transactions, inventories and customer service which is regularly updated with new features to ensure smooth service
  • security deposit to company commissary (this is refundable)
  • Initial stocks inventory of P200,000.00 to P300,000.00
  • Other Pharma supplies
  • Marketing supplies including a sound system
  • Other operations supplies

Moreover, there are other anticipated costs that the interested franchisee must shoulder and these are the following:

  • Store signages
  • Renovation cost of the place
  • Rental deposit
  • Initial business permits
  • Rolling capital

How to Start Your Generika Franchise

The following are the step by step guide on how to start your Generika drugstore franchise.

  1. The first thing you need to do is to find a good location. You may need to consider the following features for a viable site of your drugstore:
  • High foot traffic with very good visibility
  • Should be located on the ground floor
  • Preferably near attractive landmarks, terminals, hospitals or leading establishments
  • Size should be 15 – 25 square meters with frontage not less than three (3) meters
  • Rent below P20,000.00
  • No history of flooding and area is relatively safe and secure
  1. If a viable site is available, you may contact Generika drugstore through its contact persons per cluster which is divided into five (5) areas for easy reference.
  1. Below are the different business development supervisors with their contact details (per cluster) so you may directly keep in touch with them for your specific franchising queries:
  1. For your franchising inquiries, you may check out their contact details below:

DPI Bldg., 1st St. Cor 2nd St., Cervantes Compound,
17, West Service Road, Paranaque City
Corporate Sales and Key Accounts

Direct Line: (632) 828-1818 loc. 131
Fax Number: (632) 824-4685

20 responses to “How to Franchise: Generika Drugstore”

  1. Arnold parrenas says:

    How to start and how much will be the start up in theprogram

  2. Teodoro V CargandoIII says:

    dear sir gud daysagay may i inquire a franchise cost of generica drug store it is rrue that the mini rown package and how what is the requurements to avail that package thanks in advance


    how to franchise and how much po?


    how much is the franchising fee?


    please email me all the details keep me updated thank you!

  6. Maritess says:

    Hello, what if I want to buy out the generika store,how much the stamate cost. And how it works? Thanks

  7. Lara Marielle R. Garcia says:


  8. JOEL GONZALES says:

    Gud day, ilang taon po ang franchise, thanks. God bless

  9. frone says:

    can i ask po kung anu po ang tin number ng generika sa malaybalay bukidnon

  10. Jaine Sebastian says:

    Interested in generica franchize please let mr know the details

  11. Angely millama says:

    Hi ma’am pwdi po bang mag franchise kahit wala pharmacy licence? Pls send me the details how to franchise the Generika Drugstore

  12. nelson d.malaay says:

    Hi hello,we are interested to franchise the generica.How ever we dont have any license or pharmacist in our family.We can be a franchisee even w/out pharmacist or you can provide a pharmacist on it?

  13. Merlita C.Padilla says:

    Interested to franchise generika ,may i b guided on minitown package and satellite package

    Thank you so much.

  14. Cristine says:

    Hello good evening po
    I would to ask how to franchise po ng Generica
    Thank you

  15. elvy torres says:

    hello po sir/ maam i have area po for expansion po Davao area po for rent po.

  16. elvy torres says:

    hello po sir/ maam i have area po for expansion po Davao area po for rent po.

  17. Regina says:

    Hello! I’m interested to franchise generika in iloilo city.

  18. Regina says:

    Hello po. Interested for franchise generika. I need more information and details regarding this franchise. Location iloilo city

  19. Marynoll Aspillaga says:

    How much is the total cost if franchising including operational expenses?

  20. Rhodora Garcia says:

    I am interested in franchising

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